Donna Elizabeth Ecker founded 235Browncroft, LLC so that the unspoken could have a means to be heard. Hailing from the Finger Lakes Region of New York State, the east side of Atlanta, Georgia, is the place Donna calls home.
The founder's beloved, late Aunt Mary resided on Browncroft Boulevard in Rochester, New York. Mary was a devoted writer in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s. Even though she only had a handful of short stories published through an agent in New York City, Mary's written words have outlasted her generation. In 1952, Screenland plus TV-LAND published Mary's short story, "Whose Business is Love?" It may well have been Mary's most prestigious publication, as her title is depicted on the cover underneath the images of Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson. This photograph was taken of Mary in 1965, just before she boarded an airplane - for the first time - to deliver a copy of her manuscript to her agent. While Mary may not have been successful in marketing the depicted manuscript, she was successful in leaving a legacy of inspiration for all those who loved her.